Feb 18, 2009

Dyckia beateae ( an olimpic swimmer medalist)

This plant has already crossed the seven seas.
It must be a very good swimmer or an extreme flier...or the plant was smuggled into some old lady pursue.
In any case the plant is a superb one bearing large yellowish teeth edging very succulent colorful leaves.
The one in the picture is a young guy and already produced many many pups. This plant has not flowered yet so it has most ahead to improve and get even prettier.

Here its position on the border of the wide container is on purpose. Cerrado Dyckias don´t like water on their crowns.
Here, in northeast Santa Catarina State in Brazil, where it is now it rains a lot so a very drainable substrate and a not up righted position is imperative in order not to kill the plant.
If not exposed to full sun the plant gets pale or absolutely green, and grows bigger, bigger and uglier. It needs plenty of good strong light in order to show its best.