Jul 31, 2013

Senhor Marcionilo and  Dona Maria Garcia da Rocha live here.
This is their farm. They raise cattle, a very resistant regional kind of cattle.
we saw then  grazing amid Dyckias and they also can feed on Dyckia flower stalks
for they are spineless and tender soft.
The land owners.
See this , take time seeing this.
This is the nearest to a Dyckia lover paradise one can get all over the world.

Notice I am in a Dyckia fields and there are several rock outcrops on the other side. Dyckias are every where.
Can you spot  a friend of mine  (in blue costumes). He appears on both these pictures.
Can you see him?
I did not use telescopic lens to give you the real idea of the  grandeur of this landscape.
I won´t tell you where Mauro is ....he is pretty conspicuous!
He is in the middle of a Dyckia hebdingii field.


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