Aug 4, 2009

Dyckia limae, one of the rarest Northeast Brazil Dyckias

Dyckia limae

Northeastern Brazil is not a rich Dyckia region. It is one of the driest parts of America.
There we have a varied vegetation. We have a dry area known as Caatinga resembling the arid parts of Africa, we have rain forest and also some altitude forest rich in orchids cacti and so on.
Dyckias contrary to the first idea prefer the South Region.
We once though Dyckias were only found in very arid zones. We knew nothing now we know almost nothing on Dyckias matters.
Northeast Brazil is in fact very to extremely poor in Dyckia species.
There seems to be the land of the Encholirium, there we find lots of them, in every form of green, silver, yellow and red and all and every color shade in between but all of them literally melt after blooming. They are not continuous plants as Dyckias, a kind of endless plant.
Dyckias are very special bromeliads. Your eforts in order to cultivate the plant till its best looking won´t go down the drain after blooming and everything must be started over. Dyckias are great and the best ever lies ahead in Dyckias
Time runs in their favor and they are always better looking every day, month,year, decade...
They really drunk from the Ponce de Leon fountain. They do not have the Eternal Youth, no!
What would be better than the Eternal Youth?
The older the better!!!!

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