Aug 4, 2009

Neophytum Twilight on Fire, simply could not resist to make you gasp...

Neophytum Twilight on Fire

No, no, I have not ran out of Dyckias to show you nor have I got an emptied ideas less brain.
How could I have resisted the temptation to make you gasp, saying wow three times and them droll? Letting aside the joke I do think the lucky hybridizor was God touched.
Two genus plants and a lucky idea. This is living Science. This is bettering. This is to play in the bright side of human skills. Who could not be touched with such a vision, a bronze statue?
Imagine a living carpet made of these plants surrounded by a luxuriant green lawn...
This is a plant to be present in compacted clumps for impacting.
These adds color and vigor and life to any bromeliads collection.
You have a pot with this plant and it stays green with slashes of red than it gets redder and redder and all of a sudden it gets afire , no eye misses it, no mouth keep closed nor silent and everybody drools buckets. The plant goes on and on on fire for months in a roll.
Cleaning and removing death leaves is a super easy task here, you just pull them with a minimal touch and the death ugly leaf comes loose. Ok, the plant needs light but you need it too. Give it the Sun! Great, great, great.
A perfect example of The Human Golden Touch!
The only negative aspect is the plant dies in a kind of foetid melting (as most bromeliads does) after flowering, but not before leaving some big pups to continue the fireing.

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