Aug 25, 2009

Dyckia Spider Witch

Some man interferences are do wonders to some plants. It is not the case of playing God but making the world better and safer. If it wasn´t the modified grains more than half the world people would be starving to death. Modified wheat, rice, corn, soy and so on have being tickets to human salvation no doubt.

This hybrid Dyckia is a sensation in any garden not just for the plant itself but for its blooming at plenty. This very same clump of Dyckia Spider Witch is producing 16 flower stems. If it were a pure strain Dyckia dawsoni or a Dyckia chorestainea from which they descent it would be just one or two flowers stems. This is bettering and bettering in agriculture is more than a matter of beauty but a question of survival, our survival.

I use to ask here people against the hydroelectric plants construction if they use to have nice and cold showers in winter, climb to their lofts by the stairs, have surgery by candle light. They state with all their forces the human beings are the worst poluent agents but they all have children of their own. Perpetuate does not mean procreate. It is easy to oppose relying to arguments that do not affect us. Everybody and anyone would convince me of a greener world or an untouchable wilderness, a pristine natural environment for the better if this some and any would answer a few questions without answering yes. The questions would be like the follow : Living in Alaska do you have an everyday nice cold shower before going out to work in January? Do you climb the stairs to you apartment on the 60th floor as a routine? Do you have children of your own? Do you eat raw vegetable and raw meat? Do you boil your beans and rice?

We should be wiser, less reproductive beings and spread knowledge to every where. Africa needs help and not abandon. Our house will be an outstanding place to live, a pristine Eden if Light is everywhere and Light is knowing. Nothing bad or evil comes from The Light, Knowledge, Understanding...but people should not be starving or ill to achieve that.

I do believe there will come a time when all of us will say this is my house and the Amazonian feathered man is my equal and my neighbour, people of the Himalayan clouds, those in the green rice fields in Southeast Asia, the painted man in Australia, the pierced lips in New Guinea, the wondering man of the big African sandy ocean, the long necked woman in Northern Vietnam, the beautifully colored warriors fighting the lion in East Africa and jumping nine cows to show of their courage. We are all brothers, we all need food, peace, education to conquer a long and beautiful life...for all of us.
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