Aug 5, 2009

Dyckia fosteriana robustior

Dyckia fosteriana robustior
This is a plant that barely resembles a Dyckia fosteriana
and even less we hear or read about it.
It is native to up high a mountain in East Paraná.
This one here is about to bloom.
Dyckia fosteriana seem to be a complex of Dyckias and just one type plant.
All native to the Brazilian state of Paraná they are found all in the eastern half of the This Southern Brazilian State.
The South Brazilian Region is composed by three States: Partaá is the Northernmost one, Rio Grande do Sul is the Southernmost and Santa Catarina is in the middle.
Contrary all odds it is maybe the richest Brazilian Region in terms of Dyckias.
The belief, the formal belief is that the Cerrado area is the richest area in Dyckia species
but this concept is changing.

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