Sep 7, 2009

The rider of the Dream Dyckia

Dyckia Marlindel young seedlings
Dyckia marnier X Dyckia lindelvaldea

I do favor the preserving of the original genes. Of coure !
I also think this is the role of the specialized Public Botanic Garden and certainly
Public reserves.
I do not believe in any Botanic Garnen capable of maintaining everything from musa to mint.
Redwood trees to lichens. This doesn´t exist at all.
We ought have specialized Botanic Gardens!
But we may keep in mind a Tulip specialized Botanic Garden should be in Holland instead of Rio de Janeiro. We should better care for Dyckia genes in a Botanic garden in Brazil or somewhere else with the very same climate. Dyckias from Central Brazil should have a place to stay in a Public Garden within the Cerrado. What about in Brasília?
Southern Dyckias should be kept in a very specialized Public garden in South.
Our botanic Gardens are all much similar to the ancient Zoo, a bit of everything.
This simply does not work well and it is about to change. We will see that.
A bit of everything just in films and books.
Of course , the best way to preserve is Education, no doubt.
In a world where 25.000 starve to death every single day... wake up sleepy beauty!
(Ist Du Müde meine chatz?)

These two beautiful true species plants are self infertile! These species are incapable of making self fertilized seeds. They need pollen from another plant to produce viable seeds. These are more than rare plants. This marnier species is a only one in my garden and the lindelvaldeae was in bloom. Hummm.... I managed keep lindelvaldeae pollen viable for ten days in the fridge to
pollinate an entire flower stalk in the marnier plant.

Yes better have the very same species at least half a dozen plants to guarantee the two plants blooming equally to allow fertilization and seed of the true species. Yes this is the ideal.
Ideal is not always real! These plants are not in the supermarket and there is no way to get then from Internet. One must go wild literally and travel and travel and travel and face mosquitoes, snakes, people, rain, fevers of all sort and types also one must be brave and bold, bold to the extreme to get anywhere in the wilderness.
Up above lies the best we could have done. None could have done better.
Hummmm...maybe that rainbow ends precisely that box.
Rainbows end anywhere you dream.
If one doesn´t dream doesn´t live.
The better planning is the dreaming we go nowhere without dreams.
Nothing real exists without being dreamed before.
Goethe the German philosopher explains that wonderfully well.
We may be as bold as Pandora was curious but we may not loose our dreams . Dream wasting is the sin without forgiveness.

Maybe, maybe there is one in there. One
golden dusted, broad twisted arch leaved Dyckia... why not?
But first it ought to be in your my dreams.

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