Aug 2, 2009

Dyckia hebdingii - This species seem to have a Complex of its own.

Both these pictures, up and below show
Dyckia ebdingii true form the type Dyckia hebdingii.

Dyckia hebdingii type form

These two pictures show Dyckia hebdingii Type form.
These plants are the smallest of the Hebdingii complex members.
The true Dyckia hebdingii.

The plants below much too probably are close relatives of Dyckia hebdingii
and both are taken as the very same plant and obviously they are not.
In my opinion the plant below is a nameless one in spite of being a close affinis of Hebdingii it is not the very same plant in terms of species.

These two plants have their home just a few kilometers ahead. They are almost the very same plant but almost... They are bigger than the Hebdingii type plant and also the spines are a bit more distant from each other and they are a bit smaller.

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