Aug 1, 2009

Dyckia gloriosa - Nothing compares to it!

Dyckia gloriosa

This plant is part of a miracle.
It is an only one. This superb plant was amid green ones high on a mountain of Northeastern Santa Catarina. This is a rubra form of the geen one unnamed Dyckia.
Dyckias have may be all shades of red or wine but his shade and this true shade I never even dreamed of . The plant is extra numerous leaved. Spine well apart from each other. The super long leaves seem to fall with their weight. The prostrate apearence is breathtakingly beautiful.
Flowers are intense orange and the plant is self fertile and produced seeds.
We are observing the results or what will come from these seeds.
As name I am sure could not be better.
The plant seems to be full of glory indeed!
I am very proud of being the one to show this beauty to the world before description.
Science is not hiding but searching, experimenting, observing and ever being faithful to the
data and the the Truth.
Science is not a Vanity Fair, a balcony to show trophies.
Science is an opened wide window for Knowledge!
Sciences lives in a doorless house and its windows are ever opened.
In it we can lives Human hopes for a better life, a longer life an ill free life.
We trust on It, we count on it, we are waiting for it...
We all need to get rid of cancer, Aids, Hunger.
Science is a serious matter..we all depend on it.
We shall be there, we will!

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