Apr 14, 2009

Dyckias do very good in small gardens.

Shallow pottery basins are great for Dyckia keeping. Small black plastic pots are not a prime choice for keeping precious rare plants like these. Esthetically is the same as keeping those white egg layers hen in a poultry, each one locked into a small cage. Dyckias have long root system and enjoy freedom..besides they seem to enjoy a roomy home.

It is a real joy to plan and to execute these little gardens.
everything seems to be part of a xeric landscape. Pebbles, rocks, draft wood and many other items are useful to test your skill as a landscaper.
Dyckias share habitats with some other extreme sun lovers bromeliads, some cacti, sinningias and some orchids too.
I am pretty sure you would love this way to keep your plants.
Enlarge this huge pics, observe.
Here every item is made of nature things, the pot is clay made and breaths...
Try to be a gardener like this.
It is a pleasure to wander the woods, fields and beaches in search of nature leftovers for your landscape.

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