Apr 13, 2009

Dyckia lindelvaldeae bloom

Ok, the plant is something to see to believe it exists at all, yes...but the blooming of the Highness... the flowers will be a deception, small and just a few, the flowers even do not open completely. It vomits its contents out of the flower secluded and safe room. The female and the masculine parts are thrown out the petals do not open completely. Dyckia marnier do the same outrageous thing. It is a hole among petals and from this hole the sexual parts come out . But...but the plant is a success. This baby is about to be locked in a love room with another fantastic Dyckia the Dyckia gradeae.
another secret...for this plant to keep its fine assets, do no leave it in the rain. The rain water washes the silver scales away easily and what is left is a drab creature, a pale version of what it once was...before the rain. So, please do not even think on hosing it.... Despite this baby likes acid water and only on its feet.
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