Apr 30, 2009

Dyckia goehringii

Dyckia goehringii also have some masks.
Many Dyckias have some and some have lots of masks.
This creates a pandemonium in taxonomic efforts to classify some Dyckias.
Dyckias are easily mistaken by scientisits, taxonomists and Dyckia lovers.
Dyckias do not make it easy to taxonomists who avoid Dyckias in order not to commit more mistakes. Science more than one time concluded it described a phantom or a gnu for a zebra. So reason says caution here. Classify a Dyckia takes time and time means years and years in a roll.
Dyckias ought to be cultivated during years before being described and even so care must be taken.
All about Dyckias will be corrected when Science believe in itself and use
DNA examination to reveal who is who and then many, many whoes will be revealed.

You must look straight otherwise you won´t see it.
Maybe the plant thinks to be too delicious to be conspicuous.
This is a true species!!!
The flower spike is slender and thin. This characteristic common to some Cerrado species.

This one down below is a remarkable Dyckia goehringii individual.
In sunny dry days it gets totally whitish like bare bones.

1 comment:

  1. This lady looks dangerous! Large widely seperated spines and on then off silver banding along the leaf. The banding look of the silver on a dark red leaf hybrid with sparkling white thorns, could be fun for those fond of living on the edge..It would be like a sparkling blood splatted crown of thorns.
