Jun 25, 2012

A wonderful new finding: Dyckia hebdingii related

This is  a Dyckia hebdingii related plant.
It is  a new found plant in  Rio Grande do Sul.
Notice the red blood spines and the dark colors.
This plant was found amid a hebdingii field.
Who said species do not vary?

As I say we just  dropped the veil that covers Dyckia and their world...
There are a whole new world to be found and understood.
If you  go too fast on horseback here you will end up on the ground and your horse
 will leave you there amid dust.
We know almost nothing about Dyckias for we dealed with them with old tools and they do not let you  touch their secrets with those tolls we are used too.
We need a brand new look on them.


1 comment:

  1. It is thankfully people like you that have made the study and knowledge of these fabulous plants available to the world! Keep up the good work.
    ...........................................Many thanks!........................
