Aug 15, 2013

Dyckia reitzii marginal leaf lines

These are the marginal leaf lines found on  the new found Dyckia reitzii rubra form.
See the new bloom emerging this meas  this new form keeps the juvenile narrow leaves till adulthood.
The already known Dyckia reitzii rubra form presents leaves twice broader
than this new found form presents.
This deserves a deeps observation and field study.

- What takes a species to present broad and narrow leaves?
- Why the juvenile plants present narrower leaves?
- Why some keeps the juvenile type form till adulthood?
- Is this a way nature gives birth to a new species and this species gets able to survive an environment change?
 - Is environment so crucial to  new species forming?
- Habitats with several different same species looks area all passing by a deep challenge?
- All same species descents presents  the same DNA?
- Has DNA pockets and knots we do not even wonder about?
- Dyckias are Dyckias ´cause they all descent from a single plant?

 I do have uncountable more questions than answers!!!
For we all only just begun to understand Dyckias.


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