Aug 12, 2013

Dyckia hebdingii! Impossible any whiter than this!

Dyckia hebdingii!! ...and an all over totally white one!

Science normally has no heart and usually it is one eyed, myopic and almost blind 
when Dyckia describing! I do not say almost doing on groping for Dyckia is to spinny to be groped!

Science  takes one plant from one population and send this to some technical mind describe the plant.
That individual plant gets a name, Dyckia mariae, for instance, for maria is the collector´s or the describer´s lover or daughter or mother and passes to represent the new species from then on.
All the other individual  left on that rock will not be  that species any more  for Dyckia mariae will be just those within that pattern or standard of that only one plant taken by  that intrepid guy.
That intrepid guy is normally somebody who never studied any Dyckia. Normally  he and rarely she is a cacti collector or a bromeliad one and  or a orchid one.
Would you say this is a Dyckia hebdingii? I bet , no!
In more than 90% of the Dyckia species, we find serious problems in the description.
Dyckias must be taken slowwwwwwly,observed for a lonnnnnnnng time in nature otherwise one describe a rabbit as a cat! ....and everybody follows.......feeding on cats for rabbits, savoring the false meal!
In other words: before any attempt is made on describing a new Dyckia this  well minded guy must understand Dyckia!!!!!! What they are! Why they are there and in that way. Where then came from? How long they are there. How was the terrain  100, 1.000, 3.000.000 years before!!!!!What gave birth to that plant?? Why they are attached to that vertical rock if its seeds can´t be carried by any living  being?
I ask: who in the world understand Dyckia?
How they emerged and happened in nature?
A describer sees a a Dyckia flower stalk without any branch and say categorically the flower stalk of that species presents no branch. Ok! Fine! Did that describer cultivated one of that plant in a well fed way and under pristine conditions? Did he or she cultivated it under the worst of the conditions taking the plant to its limits? Dyckias are plants that live on their limits!!!
Dyckias normally branchtheir flower stalks when they are well fed!
The weather in that habitat has being generous for the last three years or it has being a migger one?
Did that plat got lots of water or was find perishing by thirst?
Resuming: we only just begun to understand Dyckias.

If your Dyckia horse is a hasty hurried quick one you are prune to fall from your horseback.
(..and bang you fat butt on hard rock! ...and we all follow banging our buts on hard rock!!!)


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