Oct 11, 2012

Dyckia hb Brittle Star 

So nice looking one has to pinch himself to know not to be dreaming.
That´s what life is for to sense the beauty.
Where do our ability to recognize the beauty, our emotions and feelings come from?
An Arabian writer once told we are just like darts thrown  in the direction of  God  and guided by compassion, forgiveness, tenderness, intelligence, empathy (the ability you have to sit on the other´s bench and see, sense an live the other´s world.) ....beauty. We are not alone when we have all these trails to take us to God.
You, you...you are my trail to God. Yes you are and no matter where you are, the language you express your feelings, the way you recognize God, the color of your skin, the school that helped you to be you, we are all the very same, going to the very same direction.
Do you think this image is a beautiful one? Me too..so take my hand, sit by my side and let us talk while we travel ..... travel to paradise...for I am a stranger, a stranger in Paradise.



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