May 25, 2009

While I was out...

Align Center

This is the flower spike we are following.
Observe, those neophytes to Dyckia that the flower spike
does not emerge from the growing middleod the rossets like the other bromeliads do.
The plant Dyckia does not melt after blooming. Dyckia continue on and on.
In the Erwino´s Beach here we found Dyckia enchoririoides multispinus with the estimated age of mote than half a thousand years.
It was here blooming on the sand bar and listen to come and go of the Atlantic waves long before Columbus reach Central America.
This plant was raining when this shot was taken, rainy Monday morning.


  1. This is what make Dyckias attractive to me. It does not die after flowering.

  2. Yes, that is it for surre. They do not melt by flowering like mostor all Agave and most Bromeliad do. They just keep going on and on for years or centuries...
