May 25, 2009

Purists will impale me for sure but before that I may have an asking for the aking.

Can you see the flower spike being formed?
Purists, do not panic!
Impale me but do not do as Vlad Dracula in Romain.
Do it fast! Do not be gentle nor kind!
I will make the marriage of this two Dream Dyckias.
Yes they are species and what species they are!
Dyckia goehring ( ultra special clone)
Dyckia beateae ( super, hipper special clone)
The reason: These two are not self fertile so....
What do you think?
Some will envy the situation and some will consult the old alpharabians to
better know and master the technique of impalement.

1 comment:

  1. Those who spend their time seeking out Dyckia and Cactus, do get to know what the term 'Impale' really means(as you my friend can testifly)! Dyckia goehring can be especially attention taking, with those sturdy recurved spines. Please be careful, we do not want to hear you died from blood loss from Dyckia attack. (smiling)
