May 6, 2020

It does look like a Dyckia delicata but it is not

Yes, one would proudly bet his neck on this saying it is a Dyckia delicata but it is not!
It looks delicata, feels like delicata, but it is not delicata
This beauty comes from some 300km distance from the delicata nest in a place named Jari also in Rio Grande do Sul.
Amazing isn´t it? 
It is about to be published as a totally new species.
Its discovery was made by a video published on the Internet by trekkers. Some different looking plants appeared on it, they were Dyckias and several different looking were there to be found.
 I have no picture showing them in nature nor flowers but scientists say it is a sight to behold.
It is a steep escarpment that descent to a valley.
Nature seems does not cease to amaze us and surprise us. 
Imagine the confusion resulting from crossing this and Dyckia delicata.
I am curious... decidedly I am.

1 comment:

  1. DyckiaBraszil is the longest document on Dyckias in the world. Take a look on it.
