May 15, 2020

Glimpses, glances and considerations on Senhor Nenê Dyckia hebdingii field - 01

Dyckia hebdingii in Senhor Nenê lands presents several natural hybrids and even the hebdingii type form can be seen especially on the area behind his barn.
 The place is a very old farm a dairy farm. 
These plants present tender flower stalks..they, most probably, will not flower.
Senhor Nenê cows will eat them all!!!!
Cattle tongue munge on the tender stems delicious stems.
 Indians, our native people, also took them as a delicious appetizer.

 Here we can notice grasses and bushes growing together. These grasses and bushes are controlled by the winter frosts. Frosts are a commonplace here and the temperature can drop to -5°C on rare occasions but enough to kill the bushes so Dyckias are ever facing the sun and happy.

A mirrored blue/white plant growing and living ina a pool pebble from the decayed granite rock.
This must have taken hundreds of years to be made. Notice death leaves enrich the substrate. and also dead lichen is added to it. the granite rock is old and the surface is deteriorating and freeing coarse grains of sand. This image talks to me...

 Below you see a magnificent group of cacti. They are a constant company to Dyckia hebdingii.
Here they re also in a pool of pebbles covered by a thick layer of moss.
this is a perfect "pot" for this demanding plant

Some are colorful, have more spines, are bigger, greener than the other here. They are touching one another.? Two groups of plants. What this tell us?
They re certainly different plants. Those to the right are genuine Dyckia hebdingii type form or t least they look equal to the type form. The plants to the left re certainly hybrids
Also, notice the thick layer of rich moss and lichens.

 A seedling and for sure a hybrid plant. Somewhere not far there must exist another Dyckia species or hybrid which pollen ara brought here by pollinator agents.
A Dyckia field is not a frozen one. It lives, evolutes, and changes. One must have eyes to see and brain to think. Nature talks to us and nature is not paralyzed.

This is something to make us gulp for air

Now, everyone can see. Two different plants.
And they are living close together, so close they touch each other and nevertheless they are different.
In my opinion, both are hybrids. Both have Dyckia hebdingii blood but hybrids.
..and I praise hybrids.
Science is coming to the conclusion even us human beings are hybrids!!!!!!
I would tell and write here for hours on end....
Notice the ever-present rich thick layer of moss.
I love this picture.


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