May 15, 2020

Glimpses, glances and considerations on Senhor Nenê Dyckia hebdingii field - 02

This picture shows a plant an already divided one, we say mirrored plants.
Notice the bare rock and how "happy" these plants are.

 This is me in October 2016.

Above a "happy" plant on a moss carpet in between a puffy lichen nest.
This plant could not be in a better place. This is heavens to her.
Take a close look here, see the bare rock and the richness of this environment.

The plants above are all-natural hybrids in my opinion and all clones, all the very same plant.
Also, they live on a thick rich moss carpet.

Oh, the shadow man..... He thinks these are all-natural hybrids.
They all have hebdingii blood, including the shadow man for he loves hebdingii.

Look the cacti and the Dyckias living happily together.

 I gasped when I saw this plant, a white hybrid.

Here again, a moss-covered pool of pebbles. The pebbles result from the
 decaying of the granite rock.

Blooming cacti

Ye, finally true Dyckia hebdingii. Look straight and notice a white Dyckia hebdingii group.


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