Feb 5, 2011

A white/blue twist leaved Dyckia marnier-lapostollei to make you gasp....

Collected in wilderness!!!
Now, tell me: have you seen a better looking one?

This plant makes me know of the privilege of sharing home.
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei is a classical choice among Dyckias but how many just like this one have you seen lately?
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei has a vast geographic territory. Its populations are well spread in Central Brazil Cerrado. They are never big populations but just some individuals and noone is equal to the other.
Dyckias? We´ve only just begun...
One who claims to know Dyckias by descriptions and potted plants just barely touches the truth.
Our Brazilian wilderness holds many more wonders than one mind can wonder even  in the maddest dreams.


  1. Ok, I thought of something else to say:
