Oct 8, 2009

Unnamed new Dyckia species from Painel - Santa Catarina

This is a pretty new and unknown Santa Catarina native species.
It is weird for many reasons:
- Painel is one of the coldest areas of the country and temperatures way below freezing
are common place. As it is a high area too froze may occur any time of the year, of course
extremely rare in midsummer but it was already reported.
- Dyckia from cold areas tend to present narrow leaves and are not this broadleaved exception made for the reofitic ones. In this case the leaves in spite of being broad they are also short.

This beauty was found on a rock cliff facing a river, a fast
running water mountain river.
In nature the plants are seen as green. They are also very difficult
to reach.
This is a young plant.

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