Oct 28, 2009

Cloning Dyckia Brazil

Dyckia Brazil is a recent made hybrid.
Being small light colored and well arranged this cutie-cutie plant got
my heart and soul, toes and nails too.
Seeds would never lead me to the very same result again, maybe better ones
but it is improbable. So the faster, simpler and better way to get
new plants is relying to cloning or lateral sprouting.
Some plants are more prune than others to clone but
Dyckias in a general way all tend to clone naturally.
Separating here is the clue and some rules must be followed:
- Do not separate young tender sprouts unless it is the only option and waiting
for a better growth is impossible. Some hormones that stimulate root growth is essential
after separation. I do not plant rare tender sprouts immediately but just when emitting or after emitting roots. Until that keep it in a warm shadowed place.
- If possible avoid separations during cold short days. Prefer the late Spring or early Summer days to do so.
- Sprouting is a way the plant has to clump and be itself ready to face the elements.
A plant always solitaire is a vulnerable one. Keep this in mind.

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