Aug 18, 2024

I do love some star like Dyckias. Straight rigid leaves make them seem to spark

 Yes, I am talking about the lemon green one hybrid on the left.

Isn´it a showy plant? It is worth to call back home to talk to mom, isn´it?

Dyckia encholirioides var. spinosissima X Dyckia brevifolia

It seems to spark. The plant on the right is a fosteriana and it has leaves that bend down and do not show any star like looks.

Obs.: You must have noticed in my postings I hardly keep a Dyckia the way we keep a violet or a Sinningia. I usually keep them in large  shallow vessels like ceramic bowls and basins. I think their looks are more natural and  they can spread themselves til run out the pot. I also keep different species and hybrids together in a very same pot.

I just like them so.There is no other reason for. 


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