Aug 13, 2024

Dare to compare! Dyckia delicata and pseudodelicata . You are bond to be an expert.


These are jewels, native to southern in Brazil.
Dyckia delicata was long described and just scientists and an elite group knew about it.
Dyckia Brazil showed it to the world and more than that sent it to common souls.
This is a marvel. It presents a beauty the defies our minds.
each elegant dazzling stunning beautiful crown has so many leaves we do not see in any other Dyckia.
I felt in love at the very first glance and I am still deeply in love with this splendorous rarity.
It thrives in ove very tiny area and just a few years ago pseudodelicata was found. It was found by chance in a video on TV made by trail walkers.

pseudodelicata and delicata

The green arrow points to pseudodelicata




Above, a dazzling beautiful delicata

pseudoledicata lies bellow

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