Aug 4, 2012

Dyckia brevifolia in Nature.....

Itajaí-açu river rocky banks and Dyckia brevifolia.......
This the home of one of the most spectacular plants, Dyckiabrevifolia the most well known Dyckia species and still a unknown one...

Dyckia brevifolia is capable of living for weeks in a roll deep submerged in fast moving water of the floods.The plant closes all its "doors and windows" and  live "suspended" deep under water.
This magic is one of the least known Dyckia abilities and one of  most spectacular.

Lefovers from a recend flood...

Dyckia brevifolia is only found where the river  is fast running amid rocks.
Whit waters seem to bring humidity to the plant and also keeps the rocks clean of the bushes that could bring shadows to this sun lover beauty.

Have you ever imagined Dyckia brevifolia may present a very light and thin cover of frosting?

I wished I could have a more accurate camera and ....
...isn´t this beautiful?

Dyckia seedlings are a rare episode in wilderness...

Lichens, algae and mosses are all vital to the surviving of Dyckias...

These bushes are Raulinoa. This planta just can be found here in nature and was studied by our botanist Raulino Reitz who also studied many of our Bromeliads as well as Dyckias. Brevifolia, ibiramensis, reitzii...


My well known left hand...

Spectacular, to say the least....paradisiac!

I hope you just had a nice trip to  Dyckia brevifolia place....


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