Jan 8, 2010

Dyckia Red Devil another American hybrid

Hybrids can be unique, super beautiful and extremely desired plants.
True species are not upon the plain common collector or hobbyist to keep as
an alternative to preserve the species. The species once they got out from their places in wilderness they can not be reintroduced unless this is  done by a very specialized  skilled personel of an Botanic Garden.
The preservation is a role the Botanical reserves and specialized public gardens may fulfill.
Removing a plant from Wilderness may be far less agressive than introducing strange genetic material
to a nature pristine site or a degradated one.
Strange genetic material when introduced to an environment may be turned turn into a big desaster.
The African bees introduced by a Brazilian expert led to many deaths in all three Americas.
The africanized bees really produce much more honey but upon a horrendous price.
North american Pinus trees are getting out of control here in South and they are seen everywhere now.
South American  toads and rabbits in Australia are well known plagues.
Introducing new genes can be uncomperable more desastrous them taking some from a determined habitat in nature. Toads in Australia did more harm than the removing of those individuous from our South American nature to introduce them there in strage lands.
Odly, funny and weird enough it seems we did not learn the lesson and strange as it may be people who commit those errors are those full of the good intentions and green minded ones.

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