May 5, 2012

Dyckia hb Fantasma (white ghost)

This beauty is my pride. I made it myself. Goehringii X fosteiana-fosteriana. the resulting plant is a ball shaped one. This ball shape is inherited from the goehringii plant in spite of the real Dyckia goehring has no ball shape. ( If one plant looks like a goehring but it is ball shaped it is 101% sure it is a hybrid plant).
Now imagine this Fantasma  if very well cared, very well cultivated. I would  be a perfect ball, a white ball.
Notice the plant is white all over. I think this is the whitest Dyckia of all or nothing I´ve seen is whiter than this plant ...a plant to take any´s breath away.
I want  legally send sprouts of my hybrid plants to collectors around the world. I am working on this and a legal and correct way will be found.



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