Feb 4, 2010

Dyckia estevesii and the worst blindness

The worst blindness is the one of those with very good eyes.
Blind is the one who doesn´t see but those who do not wanna see.
Those who insist this is not a sterile plant:
Why does it never hybridize?
Why we do not have a red one or a silver one fan like?
We are having here some different fan like Dyckias but they come from other Dyckia species.
Why no one offered dyckia estevessi seedlings on Ebay?
Every plant on Earth ( they are at plenty) descent from just one plant?
The bushmen brought just one from the wilderness?
Does  its habitat lie on the dark side of the Moon?
Is Araguaia farer away than that?
Think, just a bit, about it.

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