Feb 5, 2010

Dyckia platyphylla?

Dyckia platyphylla?
No, it is not platyphylla! This is a hybrid made all by myself!
A beautiful plant no doubt.
Dyckia marnier-lapostollei Bahia variety and Dyckia brevifollia from Itajaí River.
What difference does it makes?
On my looking  on the plant: nothing! The difference lies on my look on Human beings.
Knowledge is the difference between the possible and the impossible for us Human.
Wisdom is The Light and we have to have the corage to put it on the table to iluminate.
Then we are turning ourselves into heroes, gods, semi gods ...
Light takes wisdom and daring, corage and braveness to be usefull, worthwhile.
True blinds are those who do not want to see.
All in all it is all Human...as a matter of fact we are all Humans.
When we lift the Torch of Ligth we have to be also bold for we are coming into vision ourselves.
Being Light is not for the plain human beings......
Blessed are all of those who come into vision...lifting up hight The Light...

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