Feb 4, 2010

Dyckia sp native to Rio Grande do Sul.
This baby gets big, indeed!
There are many more unpublished and nondescribe Dckia species than one might wonder.
Someof those are practically unrreacheable as they live high on vertical rocky cliffs or
on top of high mountains.
Mountains here are covered by luxuriant tropical jungle that makes the climbing much more difficult.
These new Dyckias species are a job for the fit ones to find. Observe than in nature demands a taxonomist as fit as Spanish Myura bull.
This is not  a job for the medium aged swollen bellied out of any shape office dwellers.
It may take all the light hours just to climb a mountain so one has to carry all the overnight camping gear on the back..and this one is going to feed and drink on the process.
A new mountain dweller Dyckia may represent a bigger chanlenge than to Reach for a Stella alpina or and Edelweiss, the alpine star flowers lovers used to offer to their sweethearts.

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