Dec 7, 2012

Dyckia hb Liz Taylor

A Dyckia will not present its last face until it has bloomed by the very first time.
It changes face according to the food ressources, light, temperature and water access . These changes are  monitored by its genetics and are answers to the environment the plant is living.
Hybrids can change more widely as they are genetic richer than species.
Dyckias are extremely mutable and this is not just within  the member of a determined species but also with a single element as single member of a Dyckia population.

All in all this plant here is bond to be a showy one.
Dyckia  hb Liz Taylor is a product from the marriage of
 Dyckia delicata rubra and Dyckia magnifica. 
Both plants native to South in Brazil and mountain dwellers this means
 they can take a lot of cold weather.


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