Mar 30, 2010

Dyckia lindelvaldeae X Dyckia pectinata by Apolônia Grade

This is one of the most beautiful Dyckia hybrids of all.
It was just named: Dyckia Tante . Tante is short in Portuguese for Constantino.
This is the way my friend Apolônia Grade found to say I love you to me.
No one would do it better.
Apolônia is a Dyckia lover and enthusiast researcher and Biologist.
Lives within the Southern limits of the Legal Amazon Forest in the Northernmost 
limit of Mato Grosso.
This is a far superb plant and I am most honored.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering about the origin of the name "Tante". Congratulations, the name is very fitting.
