Mar 31, 2010

Dyckia goehringii when ...nothing compares to it.

Dyckia goehringii
...when dazzling exceeds itself  in many folds...
This plant enjoys a drier condition but even so do not ever allow the substrate to get torrid dry.
The plant loves the umidity of the air and benefits greatly from a hight umidity content atmosphere.
In nature this beauty is hardly as stunning as this one here. It liveson the rocks and suffers seasonally from a five months of drought every year. Here in South and specially in Joinville our atmosphere is always sturated to almost the most possible and 99% is a common place.
It rains a lot year around and the Anthurium, the Croton, The Phylodendrum, the Alocasia they all love to live here and we have some very special native anthuriuns too. 
This plant seems to enjoy the treatment it is getting and the high umidity saturated air.
Of coursely I do not let it under any rain.
The plant gets rain water but never on its leaves.
Rain water is fantastic as its contents in vital elements is very high.
No other water is comparable to the falling rain water.

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