Nov 14, 2016

Dyckias are colonizers but not the very first ones. Lichens, mosses and algae were the first to get there.

Dyckias have a role to play!

Once there were just bare rocks then lichens, algae and mosses arrive and then Dyckias and then the shrubs, the tress and the forest.
 Dyckias are all suicidal for they prepare the terrain for the trees to grow and one the forest arrives they die.
All Dyckias are at risk and this is normal for  many many many disappeared long before man  arrived here. Here we see them sharing  home with lichens mosses, algae and more.
Dyckias are not alone in nature.

Somewhere in future here the forest will cover this rocks and Dyckias will be long gone.

These lichens are amid the first creatures to colonize the bare rock.

Grasses comes after  algae, lichens and mosses.
 It is necessary  a substrate layer already to be formed for a grass seed to germinate on a rock.

Grasses provide terrain  for Dyckias and these make a fertile terrain for the shrubs to settle.
Fires are ever present, sometimes helping Dyckias to get rid of enemies and competition for sunlight.
Dyckias are well prepared to face those fires but even so some perishes.

Ferns and lilliaceas are colonizer too.

A  lichen covered rock.

A weird looking lichen.

Grasses and herbs (Marsela galega)

Forested areas re found on a less hostile terrain down the hill where humidity and fertile soil is found.
Plants on the rocks have to make their soil themselves.

Lichens, they are on full sun and they reflect most of the the ligth  in order not to fry.
Dyckias show the under leaves to sun
Plants must be wise here.

A rare Tradescantia in full bloom.

Grasses, herbs and shrubs...

Two different Dyckias are close together living.


Tradescantia, isn´t it lovely?

Exquisite plants produce  unusual flowers.
...but the weird one is seen bellow.

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