Dec 27, 2011

Dyckia hb White Fang, a Richard Kaz hybrid

This pretty baby got to me last February and it had a tremendously bumpy journey all the way
down from Encino-CA-USA to Joinville-SC-BR

It travelled within a soft hand  bag amid all the passengers luggage during the last part of its odyssey: São paulo to got Joinville smashed ragged but we are capable of miracles.
After a mouth to mouth resuscitation, a heart transplantation and 10 months in the Intensive Care  shows.....
Many many thanks to my Californian friends Steve and Nels.


  1. Very different...most teeth I've seen are colored.

  2. Guess you´ve seen too few as most teeth are white in Dyckias. Colored ones are very rare indeed.

  3. These teeth are bright white instead of the normal dull white seen on most Dyckia.
