Aug 5, 2011

Dyckia estevesii

Since the very, very begining the sprouts of a true  fan Dyckia estevesi is notoriously
fanned. Look this onion like bulbil or the tnder sprout. It is distic already.
 If your plant sprouts round plants or burns in the  fiercy Sun you are dealing with a fake.
Fakes or hybrids that look like the true species plants are commonly saw
being offered in the trade. 

This plants is an extreme Sun lover and it is never too much to it.
It comes from a region in central Brazil whre the  sun is more than blazing year around.
The plant needs the most one can offer to it in ordr to maitain its gracious form.

Under cultivation its flowers are almost impossible to be naturally polinated and seeds, more than 99,9% will result in round plants. Being so, this plant has ever comanded a high price outside Brazil.Tissue culturing is going on in Southeast Asia and soon plant wil be offered with 
fair and  low prices.

New distic Dyckia species has being found here in Brazil and  already described but no one is so graceful as this one.

It is a vigorous plant and a prolifica sprouter.
Needs large pots to develop beautifully.
This will lead to many problems including fungus attack.

Look the tender young sprout looks like a bulbill and it is clearly fanned.
Avoid alowing the substate get dried for any lenght of time as
this will make the point of the leaves get dried.

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