Jul 4, 2014

No, this is not Dyckia hebdingii and it is not even related to it.

Oddly enough this is not Dyckia hebdingii!!
This plant was found in Chapada Diamantina - Bahia.
Dyckia hebdingii comes from Arroio dos Ratos - Rio Grande do Sul 
In nature this plant here and Dyckia hebdingii are more than 3.000 km apart from each other.
Adding g oddities to this, it blooms extremely similar to hebdingii. Flowers are tiny and many. Floral stems are almost identical.

It needs eyes of an expert to tell them apart.
Isolated plants even at bloom are almost impossible to distinguish from each other.
The floral stems in this plant from Chapada Diamantina are black/deep purple and all bracteas are longer and narrower than those of  hebdingii. Hebdingii floral stems are green. 

Intriguing to say the very least here.
Dyckias? As I use to state we know just a tiny part.
They barely began to tell us their  botanic history.



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