Mar 22, 2013

The beauty is a beast or the beast is a beauty?

Dyckia excelsa

Native to Mato Grosso, this plant  presents many, many variations.
Red, wine and red wine ochre, green and all in between!
Large conspicuous teeth, long ones, small ones...
Pure genuine white one has being found in nature lately.
Science hardly climbs the rock, others do the dirty job,
and when it climbs the rock it usually finds the new.
When we go there we search for the fanciest,
the most spectacular, the only one, unique.
This makes quite a difference.
The plant we here above and below is a vine  excelsa plant.
Here, in my garden it takes all the rain without any protection.
In its habitat it takes much less rain and it keeps itself  even whither than it shows here.

 Below a plant I received from my very special Gringo friend, My Howdy one!
We shall shake hands and Brazilian hug!
Look my Friend, below the sprout you send to me last year.
It is a very special Dyckia excelsa, a one found amid many many...a special one.
Ok, it is too young and I need flowers for  excelsa flowers are unique.
But...but it well may be a excelsa hybrid, a bettering....
In any and every way the plant is a show!
Thank you! I Brazilian hug you!


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