Apr 24, 2010

Dyckias and the Sun

All the beauty highlights on a Dyckia is set according to the Sun they get.
They are fit to cope with the scorching Sun and the devices they have in order to deal with the Sun are exactely their beauty highlights.
The Sun that produces the most horrendous cancer in our skin is the Sun they love the best.
Everything in their evolution was planned to allow them to live in the Sun.
Their hell their inferno is shadow and their purgatory is a weak dull Sun.
All their beauty predicates are so in order for them to cope with he Sun.
- Spines allows them the dissipate heat.
- Succulentness, to filter and calibrate light before it touches the cloroplasts on the base of the leaves,
first the radiation is bathed in the gel layer to  be adequated to their necessity.
- Leaf arching and architeture is for the better catch the sun Rays as the parabolic shape of the crown.
- They can even aument the brightness regulating the glare within the crown by positioning their leaves.
- Their indument allows them to reflect the Sun rays and even directing them to the center of the crown.
- Dyckias change the color of their light receptors the cloroplasts in order to regulate the absortion of the light. Some species go from green to intense red according to the light quality and duration.

Everything in a Dyckia is set to enable it to control their living with their lover the Sun.
If they do not get more light than they need for living they will never trigger their best beauty secrets. They will look separated species, the one under the poor light and the one under the best conditions.
People use to show a plant on a single picture that barely can be recognized as Dyckia asking which species it belongs.
Dyckias are the extremely good fakers the great pretenders of the vegetal world. One picture is normally not enough and most frequentely I say keep it one year ( not one Summer) under the light it craves for and than show it to me again.
Dyckia beateae reveals immidiately the quality of the light under wich they are living.
This is the sincere Dyckia.
The best light will be revealed when the plant is sole red, entirely red, no noticeable green point.
The beateae shown below is yet not under the ideal Light.

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