May 31, 2011

Dyckia goehringii...and some of its intriguing pollinating secrets.

 Dyckia goehringii young wilderness caught plant. This plant was sent to me in order to help me to obtain true seeds. People believed different plants were needed in order to produce true viable seeds but the true is: D. goehringii can´t produce seeds in temperatures below 26 degrees Centigrades. They are capable of self pollinating and producing true seeds! I do believe most of the Dyckia goehring we see abroad are in fact hybrid produced by Dyckia goehringii and Dyckia beateae. This pairing was made when it as believed the plant could not produce self true seeds. In nature the main pollinator agent is a moth and the flowers gets ready to be pollinated by night. Many other central Brazil Dyckias relay on nocturnal pollinators, avoiding the extreme heat of the day to expose their delicate sexual organs. Many Dyckias do not even open their flowers and just a tiny orifice is opened to allow the moth to probe inside searching for nectar.

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