Jun 9, 2009

Dyckia goehringii

Dyckia goehringii
No! Better this way: Dyckia goehringii?
These are seedlings from seeds I got from a famous collector.
The guy kindly pick up seeds from Dyckia goehringii seed pod on a Dyckia goehringii flower spike. This act alone does not say the seedlings resulting from these seeds will be Dyckia goehringii. Look at these plants, beautiful, no doubt. Even cutie, cutie but just
half goehringii
( the other half only God will say!)
Open fertilization when theres is other blooming Dyckia around
does not work!

The guy "forgot" how easy one Dyckia love a neighbour.
Dyckia love making is a silent one but it is always colorful. You will know when it is going on.
Pick up seeds from a certain plant is not any sureness the plant resulting from those seeds will be pure strain. Sometimes it is noticiable as nose on face, as in this case, but sometimes it is hard to tell. Things may reach to poit of just observing the seeds from these seeds to get to know the hybrid in there.
These here are no Dyckia goehringii!
These are half breeds!
Compare to the other pictures of the pure true Dyckia goehringii in this Blog.
..and funny enough I already saw these very same breed being pointed abroad as Dyckia goehringii..
Yes, they are but half goehringii is missed here...

Dyckia goehringii is a far different plant and this half breed here is beautiful no doubt
but what would be the second half in here? I guess no one is going to answer this....

You should see the other plants that resulted along these here..some barely resemble ....a Dyckia. Yes, not all and every cross is fine resulting... I have those and I will show them here soon.

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