Aug 2, 2024

Brazil its vastness and Dyckia fosteriana range

 Brazil is a huge territory. It is the largest piece of land that is habitable and suited for living year around in every piece of it. We have no huge mountains, no ice fields, no sandy deserts. Life thrives everywhere here. This is a tropical country and climate is fine for living no matter where in Brazil.We have some cold areas in winter uphills in South but that does not prevent  luxurious living greenery from showing all the time.
Last week some very half a dozen snow flocks were seen here in my state Santa Catarina. This was on the night news all around the country.
We are blessed with the most diversified flora and fauna in the world.
We have birds and plants never once seen before and now. We have monkeys and parrots yet to be seen by the eyes of science. Now gasp, we have human beings never never never touched or contacted. Just a few shots from an airplane and some talks from other very timid indigenous people. are proving they are there. 
Brazil is a living treasure to mankind.
We Brazilian are a mix of everybody on Earth. My father is Italian, my mother is Portuguese and native indigenous blood. We welcome everybody. Also we have no fences, walls...
Yes, there is much to be done here, much to be taught and much to be learned. We do not wish and piece of land from our neighbor countries. We praise peace. 

I can´t go on without telling about my country.
Once that was said, let us come back to Dyckias and we are going to know a bit more about them.

Today Dyckia fosteriana and all its splendor is in the air here on Dyckia Brazil.
Let us begin with its range.
Three southernmost states compose the South Region and the novelty southeastern range is its range goes a tiny bit norther than imagined before. It is found in a very very small part of São Paulo State thus invading the Southeast Region. Some say fosteriana goes Southwards too and reach the borders of Santa Carina State and most of the monticola ones are in fact fosterianas. Well who dares to contest?
My mother used to say some tongues are bigger than brains.

(We just begun...more aboutDyckia fosteriana will come. You will be surprised and maybe mouthopened.)

The norther we go in Dyckia fosteriana range the smaller they get. The Sengés ones are diversified and dwarf plants.
The most ball shaped one are from Jaguariaíva rock walls.The type form comes from around Ponta Grossa and they can grow large when compared to the northern relatives.
The sunnier the place the whiter it can be.
Let us see some:

These are almost yellow flowers but none fosteriana present yellow flowers.
They are all orange.

Look at those spines here.

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