Aug 3, 2024

Dyckia delicata rubra is safe



I use to keep my Dyckias in open air and within big ceramic bacins
They take all the rain and all the Sun possible. There is a big difference in between my grden and wilderness. I rescue them. I feed them, water them and keep them out of trouble. Of course I myself get sad, sick and this expands results on my plants.
Some perish in spite of my attention or lack of it.
Here they can not cope with all the enemies they face in nature simply ´cause they are just a few. If one dies half of them perishes, succumbs and disappears vanished from the face of my garden. In wilderness they face the challenges with many many individuals and within those some differences are distributed. One individual has light leaves, longer ones,  arched ones, more succulent ones, spineless or multispines leaves. Deepper roots, thinner long ones and so on and on. Yes The salvation is distributes along the individuals.
In my garden I am their rescue and salvation.

(We shall soon ponder about Dyckia brevifolia and some differences amid some populations and members of those.)

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