Jul 28, 2024

Dyckia fosteriana green form from Jaguariaíva-Paraná Brazil

Jaguariaíva has immense rocky walls and they hide many new never seem before  botanic treasures as Sinningias, Dyckias...

 See the tubular almosr red orange flowers. This format and shape maybe  this is a way to deal fith strong winds on a vertical high rocky wall.

Is this a hybrid, a natural one, a mutation, a variant?
Who knows?
A fool would tell.
Dyckias are prune to foolish people who adore drawers and science is a fanatic admirer of drawers. Dyckias are pioneer colonizer plants.
Once their role is accomplished and trees are growing amid them they die, disapear.
A and any species is a specialized creature separated from another by its adaptations we know as characteristics that defines a species.
One must remove life from the dead dried folded old newspapers.
Get it out the drawers.
Everything, mountains, lakes, oceans, rocks, continents is on a continuous endless changing and every creature on and in them too.
The different ones are the tickets to Heaven, to eternity.
Paradise is not for the perfect!!
It is for those who changes.Hell is for the perfect ones, those perfectly adapted to the place in nature it lives. Those stubborn beings are all thrown to the inferno and condemned to nothing.
So a population has salvaton on its individuals that do not fit in a box, in a description no matter how accurate it is.

Dyckias must be understood. They allow us a glance of the future and anable life to go on.
Welcome once again to DyckiaBrazil!

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