Aug 20, 2024

Dyckia juliana.

A natural hybrid but the name is still a valid one. I like this picture .

As you notice I keep Dyckias the most natural possible. Large shallow bowls are shared with some other plants and fellows. Rocks are great looking and keep the substrate humid. Rocks help to keep the humidity in a fine good balance. They also help to evaporate the excess of water and also keep the necessary one. Dyckias multiply in there and bow and bend searching for a better position to catch Sun rays. Why do a Dyckia bend? To organize and expose its crown to the Sun and drain water from dew and rain. I keep them in a most natural way. In fact some seem to try to escape from their trays and bowls. They bow in their bowl. I like when they bow and bend laying down as in nature. Yes, I keep the dead dry old leaves, this is so in nature. These old dry leaves keep the plant alive protecting its trunk from many many enemies.

Oh, as I said up there. I like this picture so, please, click on it:

Yes, the name is valid in spite of being a natural hybrid (choristaminea X hebdingii).
Teresia Strehl was a fantastic enthusiastic Brazilian botanist.
When we deal with botanists and bird lovers we come to know they may be even more famous for their lovely mistakes then their jobs. Remember Paradisea apoda, those birds from Paradise. They were said to be footless for they would never perch. a dry skin taken from a lady´s hat was take as material to describe those most wonderful creatures.
Science is not a divine job!
We commit mistakes  and they make us even more human and also, divine. 
This plant is so, divine. It does seem to have escaped from Paradise.
They are soooo beautiful!
Dyckia julianae a refugee from Paradise in my garden.
Joinville, Aug. 20, 2024

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