Aug 11, 2024

pseudodelicatas , a sunny cold Sunday Juca, Joca and me...

 Yes, I will separate those crowns. I already caused some damages and some more will be done but I must be  audacious and  a bit brave.

The damages were on the plant leaves, my hands, my proudness for I am a bit sad...
I damaged my precious Japanese made scissors.
Oh, I stop for now and will finish it tomorrow.
Time  to sorry and cry for my Japanese scissors...  

Oh, my pool of tears...

The tips of a scissors are its most crucial important parts.

I am sure there was a piece of quartz amid that plant axils. 

When Raquel and me bought it some 20 years from now she adviced me saying be warmed, you must be very careful. Handel it with care and keep it clean and well oiled all the time. Determine a place for it to be when not in use. Do not go on leaving it anywhere you can be. I am sick and tired of going on searching for your  lost garden tools.

I miss Raquel, my spouse, fellow, companion, brains, direction, The world was a fine good place fulfilled with hopes and dreams. 

I will be 70yo next Aug30th. I shall find out reasons to go on... 

Sorry if I bother you. Don´be. It would be a bad idea to loose you too. This Blog are helping me to continue up righted.

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