Aug 16, 2024

Dyckia pampeana one of the smallest Dyckia forms a carpet like dense ground cover

Dyckia pampeana  

Its name means from pampa an extensive flat area in our extreme southernmost territory in Rio Grande do Sul. It is a very stoloniferous plant and for,a a carpet like cover. It was thought to be lost forever do to extensive sheep farming until some was found inside wooden fence posts far from any lamb´s tongue. It is for sure a very very small plant.

It appreciates some cold and most probably it turned out to be very small during its evolution in order to cope with strong winds. Winds and cold were present in its evolutionary history.

It does seems to have fallen from a Jonathan Swift tale, Lilliput Land in one of the four Gulliver´s Travels. 

Dyckias are fantastic plants indeed.

Dyckias do not ever cease to amaze me.

It never bloomed under my cultivation.

Here I show some Dyckia pampeana surrounding a hybrid Aloe.


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