May 3, 2009

Dyckia sp Três Passos - RS

This is a Dream Dyckia for sure.
Click on this image to see it in details.
No, it is not a Dyckia fosteriana!
It is a wild plant from Northwest Rio Grande do Sul.
I only know it comes from there and from a cliff a rocky cliff.
It tends to stay this way perpendicular rosettes.
This avoids water in the center of the rosette.
It is a bit larger than fosterianas and the flowers are bigger and attached to a more vigorous spike and the color of the petals is paler when comparing to those of the fosteriana from far way from it in Nothern Paraná.
The spines are rubber soft and than one told me it was Dyckia delicata but , of course it is not!
A Dream Dyckia still to be known.
I am particularly fond of it.

1 comment:

  1. Delicate,with both contrast and color. What is not to like!
